
If you've gotten this far, you've likely already heard of Multiplexers and Multiplexed Signals.

Multiplexors are a more advanced part of the CAN networking protocol, and allow the network to handle exponentially more data transmissions without needing any additional network infrastructure or hardware capabilities. Simply put, by using multiplexors, one signal can be functionally equivalent to 128 different signals — with no additional overhead.


Initially the syntax for multiplexors may appear to be the same as a regular Signal. However, there is a distinguishable M and m[0-9] present just after the Signal Name. The uppercase M signifies the signal to be the Multiplex Controller – or Multiplexor. Signals that follow are defined with a lowercase m[0-9]+, where [0-9]+ is a number from 0 to 127 (e.g. m16).

Multiplex Controller (aka the Multiplexor)

 SG_ <Name> M : <Start>|<Size>@<Order><Sign> (<slope>,<offset>) [<min>|<max>] "[unit]" [Receivers]
  • M - defines the multiplex control bit locations (multiplexor)

Multiplexed Signals

 SG_ <Name> m<ID> : <Start>|<Size>@<Order><Sign> (<slope>,<offset>) [<min>|<max>] "[unit]" [Receivers]
  • m<ID> - the signal to be triggered when the M bit equals ID.
