SG_ Name : Start|Size@Order[+|-] (Slope, Offset) [Min|Max] "Units" ReceiverNodes
Keyword | Type | Description |
Name | str | unique mnemonic name for identifying the signal |
Start | int | starting bit number for the signal inclusive |
Size | int | total length of bits this signal occupies |
Order | enum | 1 little-endian/Intel · 0 big-endian/Motorola |
Sign | enum | + unsigned integer · – signed integer |
Slope | num | multiplied by original signal value · default: 1 |
Offset | num | added to the original signal value · default: 0 |
Minimum | num | minimum value relative to Slope and Offset |
Maximum | num | maximum value relative to Slope and Offset |
Units | [str] | optional units for the return value, such as mph |
Receivers | [str] | space-separated BU_Nodes that receive this signal |
BO_ 420 CruiseControl: 4 SZL SG_ IncSpeedReq : 16|1@0+ (1,0|1] "" XXX SG_ DecSpeedReq : 18|1@0+ (1,0|1] "" XXXCM_ "(* ...DecSpeedReq : 18|1@0+ (1,0) [0|1] "" XXX bit start ___↑ ↑ ↑ ↑↑ ↑↑ ↑ ↑___ receiver=XXX bit length ___| | | | |___ no units big-endian ___| | |___ minimum=0 unsigned + _| | |_ maximum=1 slope=1 _|_ offset=0*)";
Here are some examples of real-world Signals that you might encounter in the field.
As noted in the keywords section above,
SG_ BattVoltage : 0|8@1+ (.1,0) [0|25.5] "volts" Vector__XXX
0.1 slope x 255 max. -> 25.5 volts